
时间:2015-07-03 10:27:46 | 来源:励志网

1、Love is a carefully designed lie。爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。

2、There is no remedy for love but to love more。治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

3、It is never too late to fall in love。爱永远不会嫌晚。

4、No words are necessary between two loving hearts。两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

5、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you。无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。

6、The soul cannot live without love。灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

7、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines。拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

8、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts。爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

9、Love is the greatest refreshment in life。爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

10、Passionate love is a quenchlethirst。热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

11、Love is a light that never dims。爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。

12、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

13、Look into my eyes,you will see what you mean to me。看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

14、Where there is great love, there are always miracles。哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

15、If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars。如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。

16、Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak。爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

17、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder。距离使两颗心靠得更近。

18、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst。热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

19、The road to a lover's house is never long。通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。

20、There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied away。天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过。

21、Every day without you is like a book without pages。没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

22、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me。如果没有相等的爱励志网http://wWw.qqZf.cN/,那就让我爱多一些吧。

23、You make my heart smile。我的心因你而笑。

24、Your tears, they mean nothing to me。你的泪水,对我已经毫无意。

25、Where there is love, there are always wishes。哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

26、If I know what love is, it is because of you。因为你,我懂得了爱。

27、First love is unforgettable all one's life。初恋是永生难忘的。

28、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

29、When love is not madness, it is not love。如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

30、A heart that loves is always young。有爱的心永远年轻。

31、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

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